Kashmir University 1st Semester Economic Guess Paper Download PDF
Kashmir University 1st Semester Economic Guess Paper Download PDF
Guess Paper
Q. 1. What is Demand? Discuss its Determinants?
Q. 2. What is Law of Demand and its Exceptions?
Q. 3. Write the meaning of utility? Explain the law of diminishing Marginal Utility? How is the consumer equilibrium achieved under marginal utility analysis?
Q. 4. Define budget line and its implication?
Q. 5. Discuss the Concepts and Measurements of National Income?
Q. 6. What is Money? Discuss its Types and Functions?
Q. 7. Explain the Meaning and Types of Inflation?
Q.9. What is difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics?
Q.10. What is Scarcity?
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